Monday, June 7, 2010

Sweet Potato and Pinto Bean Stuffed Tortillas

I made these in honor of a a recent air trip back home to San Diego. Plane flights and airports are always hard when it comes to food. As it is you can hardly get free water and airport food can be fairly pricey and considerably underwhelming. I made these potato stuffed tortillas as a meal for my travels. (Note: These photos don't do justice to how great this meal was.)
In picture above: Two open-face tortillas in the foreground and one finished product in the background.

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 can pinto beans, drained
2 cloves garlic, minced (or pressed)
Spices! ~ tsp cumin, turmeric, black pepper
dash of salt and Tapatío hot sauce

First, I heated up water to boil my potatoes (and added them sometime during this process) and while that heated I started with the beans in a bowl. With a fork I mashed the beans until there weren't any whole ones left and added the garlic and other spices to taste.

Once the sweet potatoes were soft I drained them and added them to the bean bowl. They were mashed with the other stuff and some more spices and hot sauce were added again for taste. With the filling complete I spread it about 1/4 inch thick across a tortilla, added avo slices and some jelepenos and closed with another tortilla. Each filled tortilla was heated an oiled pan in medium until it each side was browned and a little crispy. This batch made me 6 filled tortillas.
These stuffed tortillas were surprisingly delicious for a meal consisting of what I had on hand. I also like these because the ingredient combinations could go anywhere.

1 comment:

Bree said...

sad i missed this one!

captcha: moray
(isn't that a type of eel..?)